For those of you coming to this page for the first time, you may find yourself asking, "Where the heck am I?" Well, I will tell you . . .
You are entering the world of two freelance journalism students currently living in Cape Town, South Africa. Over the coming seven weeks we will be exploring the South African culture and the many personalities that make up this neck of the woods and sharing our adventures with you. Here are our bios:

Marie, from Sweden (by Darcie): Marie is from the band ABBA. Okay, that is a lie. I am sorry. She is an amazing writer from Sweden that has specific gifts in sharing coffees, making coffee and exclaiming humbly WHAT?!?! when unsure. She enjoys the TV Show Scrubs, listening to great music and blogging while walking on the beach, taking pictures of sunsets and chasing pigeons. Yes, all at the same time. She hopes to see a Great White Shark jump out of the ocean to catch a bird while here in Cape Town (and also to punch a Great White in the face).

Darcie, from some foreign country (by Marie). I thought Darcie needed a new name so I renamed her Marcie after knowing her for 3 days. She is also a coffeelover and big fan of organic muffins, she must know every living creature on earth because I have never seen anyone sending as many snailmails as she is sending emails. That also explains her big compassionate heart and her passion for writing. She is absolutely the best surfer and sprinter I have ever seen.
I have know Darcie(Marcie) for 27+ years and I have to tell you she was born with a heart to love! I can't wait to see and follow your stories. Have a muffin for me.